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From Serious To Silly . . .You Need Something To Talk About

Sunday, January 30, 2011


YES! If you are of my generation, you DEFINITELY have (and if you are not and you have heard of her, then i know your taste in music is quite amazing ... just saying)

But just in case you have not heard of Marsha, well this is what this post is all about.

Marsha was 1/2 of the group FLOETRY, and unfortunately they decided to part ways. Of course, back in 2002 or so, everyone around you was more than likely getting Floetic. Also, if the King Of Pop sings a song you wrote for him then that should definitely tell you something.

Marsha Ambrosious is scheduled to release her debut SOLO album "Late Nights & Early Mornings" on March 1st. The album's 1st single peaked at #22 ... but her 2nd single "FAR AWAY" is BEAUTIFUL .....

And the VIDEO to accompany the latter is nothing short of PHENOMENAL. I just can't describe how this video makes me feel and the powerful impact it is having on all that come to watch it. Scroll down to see the video (IN ITS ENTIRETY FOR A SPECIAL MESSAGE) for "Far Away"

Amazing Voice .. Powerful Message ... what more can you ask for?  Check out her official website and/or on her official Facebook Page

and pick up her album "LATE NIGHTS AND EARLY MORNINGS" on March 1st, 2011

(blog posted at 5:50pm January 30th, 2011)


In case you missed The Pee-Wee Herman Show on Broadway in 2010 ... FEAR NOT!!! HBO has come to your rescue.

HBO (Home Box Office, just in case you forgot what it stood for ;) filmed one of the final performances of the show and now that taping will air on HBO March 19th at 10PM!!!

check out the The Buzz Preview below, courtesy of HBO's website. Will you be watching?

The Buzz Preview

(Blog posted 5:19pm January 30th, 2011)

Now Your Ambulance isn't even Safe

Ansar Ali, of South Ozone Park, Queens, was hit with coercion, harassment and stalking charges. (image courtesy of Silva/Getty)

It's already bad enough to be in such tight space when you have the unfortunate incident of injury ... but who knew that THIS would happen to a woman in Queens on December 26th? Check out the story, courtesy of January 29th's New York Daily News

(blog posted 4:48pm January 30th, 2011)

Nicki Minaj: SNLer?

As well as one of the hottest music acts out there now, Nicki Minaj also chipped in to some sketches on January 29th's Saturday Night Live. If these two sketches did show anything, it is my opinion that Nicki can have a sidejob of being on SNL, just like Justin Timberlake can!!! (now HE is simply amazing during each appearance!!). Remember, she did attend La Guardia High School during her young(er) years, so she definitely has the background to dive into live television/acting.

Check out the clips below from Minaj's contributions (clips courtesy of Hulu) and feel free to comment below.



(blog posted 4:16pm January 30th, 2011)

Saturday, January 29, 2011


If you are one of those that go out to release the stress of a hard worked week and you hear some amazing mixes of multiple songs in a Mashup: more than likely it has been done in the AMAZING touch and creativity of ROBIN SKOUTERIS

from last.fmRobin Skouteris is a music producer, DJ and a video director from Athens, Greece. Mostly known for his mashups, Robin also remixes and composes for music artists, tv commercials and short films. A solo self-produced album with collaborations, is in the works.

In short: Do yourself a favor and gives your ears some of the BEST treats by liking him on his facebook page (which also gives you the amazing gift of downloading his mashups via the INFO tab, downloads done through MediaFire) as well as subscribing to his official YouTube Channel for the Video Mashups

Check out the mashup that made me "discover" him one night at a bar in NYC

(posted 9:17pm January 29th, 2011)

Tiger Mom faces the roaring over her new book

Amy Chua's book, "BATTLE HYMN OF THE TIGER MOTHER" was released earlier this month .... and so was some storm of controversy. Many people attacked the book as insane and have even called Chau herself an "inhumane mother". But with every Tiger, there is a cub that has been nurtured to be alongside. Her eldest daughter, Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld, even took to the New York Post to DEFEND her mother in the middle of it all. So, what does AMY have to say about all this?

Earlier this week, she sat down with ABC's Cynthia McFadden to a NIGHTLINE interview.

You can purchase the book at your local bookstore or on Amazon. The NIGHTLINE interview is posted below and feel free to share your comments below

(blog posted 8:04pm January 29th, 2011)

Zaire Paige Not Only Played a Movie Killer, He Became One in Real Life.

 (illustration by Dan Page)

"He had the ability to draw people. If the right people had their hands on him, he was going places" *Hassan Johnson, who plays the drug dealer "Beamer" in the movie BROOKLYN'S FINEST*

Zaire Paige came from the streets of the Brownsville section of Brooklyn. He was given the chance of a lifetime as playing Man Man in the 2010 movie BROOKLYN'S FINEST alongside Richard Gere, Ethan Hawke, and Don CheadleGiven one of the greatest chances anyone can have, the street life came back victorious and lead a promising man down back a hard road. This is an amazing story (6 pages long online), courtesy of this week's Village Voice here in New York City. 

story by Elizabeth Dwoskin, Jason Parham

(blog posted 7:40pm January 29th)

Have You Heard: PYRO FIGHTER

You would think that watching reality shows would be a waste of time, but thanks to a now infamous group of tanned somewhat geniuses, you can actually hear some great music (and this was before their big trip to begin world domination was even announced earlier this week).

PYRO FIGHTER is a much needed new group, and their EP (which is available for download  HERE ) was released back in 2010, but now thanks to the JerseyShoreExposure, this group is catching attention of the masses: Including your favorite blogger)

Check out the song below that made me discover them: ELECTROBOTIC, and check out their site for more information

(Posted 1:06 am January 29th, 2011)

TVTime: Saturday Night Live, 80s Popstars and SyFy Computer Creatures!!!!

In case you at home this weekeend, there are two great things you can catch on the HDTV of yours:

1) Saturday Night Live returns this weekend with an ALL NEW episode hosted by Jesse Eisenberg with musical guest / TwitterHolicAddict NICKI MINAJ!! Also, there has been whispers going about town that a certain social network honcho will make an appearance. Check your local listings for the time in your area (more than likely after your Saturday evening local news ;)

2) SyFy is continuing their amazing cinema with not one but TWO of your favorite popstars: DEBORAH "DEBBIE" GIBSON and TIFFANY!! Oh, how you have longed for this to happen ... oh yes! Check out "MEGA PYTHON VS. GATOROID" on SyFy January 29th at 9pm eastern

(posted 12:49am January 29th, 2011)

My First Blog Post!!!

HELLO, WONDERFUL PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!!! PLEASE BE GENTLE AS THIS IS MY FIRST TIME BLOGGING! So, after much hesitation and doubt and worries: I was finally pushed by an amazing person to start my own blog and begin a whole new journey! This is so exciting and so scary!  So, to start off ... let me just answer the 5 W's: Who, What, Where, When and Why!

Drum Roll!!!!!!!

WHO am I?: Well, I am still asking myself that ... nah! But really: My name is Armando and I like to think I am a great guy with a passion for life and just informing myself (and others) what is going on in this great planet of ours. I am the oldest of 3 from a cute little town in texas (i have two younger sisters and YES! I am pretty much a role model :-) 

WHAT will be different about this blog?: I can guarantee you one thing about this blog, and that is i will do my very best to not be malicious towards others. Also, I am declaring this blog a KARDASHIAN FREE ZONE! It's nothing personal against them, I just don't get why THEY are famous and all. it really does not make sense at all so if you are looking for Kardashian news gossip: I'll hand over a tissue to you to catch the tears (but if chance they do slip past my shield, then i do apologize... but for SURE they wont be the main focus of any blog post). This also might include the Gosselins and the whole Teen Mom crews ... who? EXACTLY!!! Enough said!

WHERE will I be updating this from?: I currently reside in New York City (specifically in the northwest section of THE BRONX, yes ... where SHE is from) and have been out here since August 2005. At the moment, i do not have a full time desktop/laptop due to malfunctions so i will be either updating this from all around the city when i have a good chunk of time or from my first ever LG Smart phone. So, if the posts are a bit slow at first, please forgive me

WHEN does it snow in New York City, Armando?: In the wintertime,silly! But this Winter has been EVER SO FRUSTRATING since it has snowed (as of this posting) every week since December 26th. I could not think of another WHEN question but since the snow has been the thing most occurring, i thought it would only be proper to mention and have a moment in time to tell you ;) (that last link was for Calvin)

WHY did you decide to do a blog?: So, I know the web is just being smacked with blogs left and right and I know I am an ant in an ant farm scampering around ... but I just want to have fun (and also ease up on the crazy amount of facebook postings i do per week) and have all my interests and observations and findings all in one place not only for me, but this is really for YOU! I tend to get comments on SpaceBook (that is what I call FACEBOOK, because it's much more fun) about the links and postings I get and how I make it fun and my Spacebook Page has been pretty much a launching pad to this new blog creation. So, if you are my friend on there, you are probably singing praise that your news Feed will be losing some inches off it :-) Also, please note that while i will add my flare to this blog as much as possible, i will definitely give credit to where I find these stories. Blogging is sharing and it's only appropriate to mention the party/source where it came from (if you know what I mean)

So, there you have it! This is going to be quite the adventure for you and I! So, this blog might start off very slow (mostly due to lack of a full time computer station), but like my homeboy CONFUCIUS says (and Jackie quoted him today): "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

But just in case you are up in the Northeast: Just watch that single step for now ... because the slush and black ice are no joke!

WELCOME TO YourNextTopic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(12:17am January 29th, 2011)