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From Serious To Silly . . .You Need Something To Talk About

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My First Blog Post!!!

HELLO, WONDERFUL PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!!! PLEASE BE GENTLE AS THIS IS MY FIRST TIME BLOGGING! So, after much hesitation and doubt and worries: I was finally pushed by an amazing person to start my own blog and begin a whole new journey! This is so exciting and so scary!  So, to start off ... let me just answer the 5 W's: Who, What, Where, When and Why!

Drum Roll!!!!!!!

WHO am I?: Well, I am still asking myself that ... nah! But really: My name is Armando and I like to think I am a great guy with a passion for life and just informing myself (and others) what is going on in this great planet of ours. I am the oldest of 3 from a cute little town in texas (i have two younger sisters and YES! I am pretty much a role model :-) 

WHAT will be different about this blog?: I can guarantee you one thing about this blog, and that is i will do my very best to not be malicious towards others. Also, I am declaring this blog a KARDASHIAN FREE ZONE! It's nothing personal against them, I just don't get why THEY are famous and all. it really does not make sense at all so if you are looking for Kardashian news gossip: I'll hand over a tissue to you to catch the tears (but if chance they do slip past my shield, then i do apologize... but for SURE they wont be the main focus of any blog post). This also might include the Gosselins and the whole Teen Mom crews ... who? EXACTLY!!! Enough said!

WHERE will I be updating this from?: I currently reside in New York City (specifically in the northwest section of THE BRONX, yes ... where SHE is from) and have been out here since August 2005. At the moment, i do not have a full time desktop/laptop due to malfunctions so i will be either updating this from all around the city when i have a good chunk of time or from my first ever LG Smart phone. So, if the posts are a bit slow at first, please forgive me

WHEN does it snow in New York City, Armando?: In the wintertime,silly! But this Winter has been EVER SO FRUSTRATING since it has snowed (as of this posting) every week since December 26th. I could not think of another WHEN question but since the snow has been the thing most occurring, i thought it would only be proper to mention and have a moment in time to tell you ;) (that last link was for Calvin)

WHY did you decide to do a blog?: So, I know the web is just being smacked with blogs left and right and I know I am an ant in an ant farm scampering around ... but I just want to have fun (and also ease up on the crazy amount of facebook postings i do per week) and have all my interests and observations and findings all in one place not only for me, but this is really for YOU! I tend to get comments on SpaceBook (that is what I call FACEBOOK, because it's much more fun) about the links and postings I get and how I make it fun and my Spacebook Page has been pretty much a launching pad to this new blog creation. So, if you are my friend on there, you are probably singing praise that your news Feed will be losing some inches off it :-) Also, please note that while i will add my flare to this blog as much as possible, i will definitely give credit to where I find these stories. Blogging is sharing and it's only appropriate to mention the party/source where it came from (if you know what I mean)

So, there you have it! This is going to be quite the adventure for you and I! So, this blog might start off very slow (mostly due to lack of a full time computer station), but like my homeboy CONFUCIUS says (and Jackie quoted him today): "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

But just in case you are up in the Northeast: Just watch that single step for now ... because the slush and black ice are no joke!

WELCOME TO YourNextTopic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(12:17am January 29th, 2011)