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Friday, July 29, 2011

Double The Beyonce, Double The Gaga: Thursday TV Invasion

Beyonce and Lady Gaga made Thursday a day of busy (and separate) TV Appearances. Both did TWO shows in ONE night. Don't want to search all over for the clips of their performances and interviews while you're counting down the end of the workday? Well, I got you covered ... cause their performances AND interviews are here IN ONE PLACE! :-)

The Marathon on music began with Beyonce performing the latest single off her album 4 titled" Best Thing I Never Had"

Beyonce then took a break to have a sit down where she discusses future family plans, her break from the spotlight and her upcoming movie with Clint Eastwood

Beyonce then closed out The View with a performance of "1+1"

**AND THAT WAS ALL BY NOON EASTERN TIME!! (WHEW!) You Go, Beyonce! Off To The Lady Gaga Leg of Thursday Mania**

The Day After being a guest judge on Wednesday Night's So You Think You Can Dance Episode: Lady Gaga Took to the stage and performed a mashup of her hits "Edge Of Glory" and her upcoming 4th single "You And I"

A Few Hours Later: Gaga appeared on Late Night With Jimmy Kimmel for an interview, with a headpiece it took this blogger a while to realize what it was(hey, i was up pretty early that day, considering it was my day off ;) Can you spot it?

Lady Gaga did TWO performances as well (a La Beyonce THE VIEW earlier that day on the same network): YOU AND I was the first and then she played off the show with THE ENDGE OF GLORY, which you can see in its entirety here

Now, to the final lap of this all day invasion: Beyonce closes out the race with another performance with an appearance on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. (FYI off topic briefly: Jimmy Fallon usually tapes his show in the early evening so it is ready for airtime latenight .. I attended a taping back in October when ROBYN performed and was even on the Band Bench behind her .. you couldn't see me on the show, but trust me: 1) i was there and 2) the studio is MUCH smaller than when you might think it is) Her performance below, followed by her brief sitdown with Jimmy Fallon.

... And so ends another race of the superstars, where everyeone is a win.... WAIT! Oh yes, YNT Readers: I have TWO bonus clips for you:

Lady Gaga debuted her new fashion line, meant for the youngest of her monsters

Also, i know that this has been making the rounds for some time now: but i finally got to watch the Target Flash Mob to Beyonce's END OF TIME << which is seriously one of my favorite songs of the year!! Now if they can just get their donations debacle straightened out or what not, but that is a different story.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Birthday Of The Weekend: MTV Is Entering Its 30s

With Social Media and camera phones everywhere, it's hard to NOT rememebr what happens in an instant ... but take that away and try to remember where you were 30 years ago this weekend: when Alan Hunter, Martha Quinn, Mark Goodman, Nina Blackwood and J.J. Jackson debuted with a new channel called MTV

MUSIC TELEVISION, also popularly known as MTV is turning 30 years old this weekend (It launced on August 1st, 1981) and it's remarkable to think that a TV Station playing music VIDEOS was revolutionary at that time. Want a chance to relive some of those times? well you are in luck. 4 of the Original MTV VJs (J.J. Jackson passed away in 2004) will be reuniting over the radio this weekend and will play some of the hits and share stories of the early times of MTV.

Check out the Rolling Stone Interview with one of the original VJs, Mark Goodman by clicking here.

You can also check out an interview with the 4 remaining VJs here by The New York Post.
Below are the 5 Original MTV VJs that started a revolution. Do you miss the good old days of MTV? What do you think of everything MTV is doing nowadays?

and since this IS a new generation of information sharing: you can "Like" the Orignal VJs on Facebook by clicking here

The Whole Foods Market Resignation Explosion

Photo Courtesy of The New York Times

The Resignation Letter: It probably hasn't been used as much by people recently given the state of our economy. Many of them are formal and some have a bit of humor thrown in them (i still remember mine from the Navy after 4 years, and that drink offer is STILL open to those that have been offered to it) ... but one resignation letter that was sent out last week has some people going crazy & exposing the practices of one major company.

Gawker blogger Seth Abramovitch  has been reporting on a letter that was sent out by a former worker at Whole Foods Market. While the letter was made public (with personal names and contacts ommited for privacy purposes), Seth had sent out an offer to any other WFM Workers (past and present) to share their stories and experiences with him: and the response was hundreds and hundreds, with of course some of the best being highlighted by Seth.

Check Out The Full Resignation Letter from the Former Employee Here

Check Out Some of the responses that Seth received from the article by clicking here


Check out the exclusive response FROM THE LETTER WRITER here (as well as some more stories shared)

God Shows Up On New Poll With Interesting Percentages

photo courtesy of this blogger's frist ever trip to Fire Island/Cherry Grove July 13th, 2011
There seems to be a survey for everything: which products work the best, if you believe that one is guilty or not, and then there is the always around Approve/Disapprove poll ... and even GOD is not safe.

According to a new poll  by Public Policy Polling (which seems to have been named by a Peter Piper Picked a Pepper fan), GOD himself/herself (im not one to judge if you believe that God is a Man Or Woman since some think the latter) only comes in at a 52% Approval Rating ... and that is with the official question starting off as "If God Exists....". It's also pretty unique to see peoples' approval of his/her handling of ANIMALS, NATURAL DISASTERS and "ITS HANDLING OF CREATING THE UNIVERSE"
The Poll overal shows that America's perception of Congress has actually increased, but is still considered poor.

Two other people have been mentioned in the poll & it's quite interesting:
  • Rupert Murdoch has a 49% Unfavorable, this considering the phone hacking scandal
  • John Boehner is actually LESS popular than god, only coming in at a 39% Approval rating

You Can check out all 18 pages of the results of the poll by clicking here. Do you approve or disapprove of some of the findings? What do you find interesting?

Middle Aged: Modern Stressed

We hear it all the time from friends at the bar and your companions on Facebook/Twitter/Google+: We have bad moments and feel like we are being stretched out. We hear it from others that "I'm completely stressed out" or anything similar. Well, according to a study: One sector of the poulation is more at risk for stress levels, leading to possible health problems: & you have probably known her for your whole life.

According to a new study: This will be the first generation of WOMEN (mostly of the middle aged group) to not outlive their male counterparts by 5 to 7 years ... and the answers are obvious. Keeping families in line, some tending to their aging parents, keeping their marriage at the best (and some doing so when they are at the worst). Moms of any generation are usually stressed out and this probably comes from the genuine maternal instincts that women seem to have with the people in their life. But WHY EXACTLY is that?

Why is it the WOMEN that are putting themselves at risk? That honestly confuses me and although Beyonce states that Girls Run The World: we need those girls/women to be well enough with THEMSELVES before they take care of others. Their love and concern should never go unnoticed, but let us give them a break or support ... we need them (and fathers/men too). 

Check out the report below as seen on ABC World News Tonight With Diane Sawyer on July 27th, 2011

(posted on 7/28/11 @ 12:10am eastern)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bidding For The Blood: Casey Anthony Interview Happening?

Casey Anthony Verdict: What the Jury Must Decide | Casey Anthony
photo courtesy of Red Huber/AP

It has been floating around for the past few days that Casey Anthony's lawyer is INDEED trying to get an interview with one of the 3 major networks for his client. While this blogger is particularly disgusted with the whole situation: a tweet by TMZs own Harvey Levin on Wednesday Evening might just reveal the "winner" of this "interview":

"we reported the bidding for Casey Anthony is >$1.5 mil. they think TMZ bid on her. We did NOT, would NOT and will NOT. I think NBC got her"

Given the nature of this entire case and the public outrage of its verdict, would you be watching this interview if it does happen?

(posted 7/27/2011 @ 8:50pm eastern)

Behind The Grunge: Kesha

photo courtesy of TerrysDiary.com

Ke$ha has been known to get alot of crap for her looks and autotuned success. I'll admit: I love it all, but at first i was wondering WTF?!?!? Why her? There are other talented people that deserve more attention. Well, after a while, I understood why people actually like her: just cause she is different. My first impression of her was that she was trying too hard to do this "messy young rebel", but with some recent images in her music and a blip of an attitude shift (remember, this is the lady that blasted Britney spears for lipsyncing and now in 2011: Joined Britney and Nicki for a remix of Til The World Ends .. a song that KESHA co-wrote ..) are making Kesha more well liked by me (although i never "hated" or "disliked" her.

Fashion Photographer Terry Richardson has recently shared some photos of Kesha on his site. Feel free to go take a look for yourself, as well as discover some other shots Terry has also posted recently from 2007 when he had time with the late Amy Winehouse.

(posted 7/27/11 @ 8:37pm eastern standard time)

90s Kids Got What They Wanted

We may be in our 20s, but we still have the 90s on our minds and hearts .... and TeenNick gave us what we asked for.

On July 25th, TeenNick debuted its 2 hour nostalgic block of programming of The 90s Are All That. After being asked/demanded/shouted/tweeted/facebooked about the Nick of the 1990s programming (from the labeled #90sKid(s) of the planet), #90sAreAllThat debuted with STRONG numbers and some of the highest in TeenNick's late night timeslot.

Read the official press release describing the success of this 2 hour block by clicking here. For now, the 2 hours block consists of ALL THAT, KENAN AND KELL, CLARISSA EXPLAINS IT ALL and DOUG. No word yet if any other "classics" (yes, i feel a bit old typing that out) will be added into the 2 hour block (or, AHEM ... a 90s Channel will be developed .. if the network is reading this ... that would be a HINT)

The 90s Are All That program block airs WeekNights from 12am-2pm and reruns from 2am-4am (all times eastern standard time)

(blog posted 7/27/2011 @ 6:11pm eastern)

Amy Winehouse's Final Interview

Photo Courtesy of AmyWinehouse.com

As the world is very aware, Amy Winehouse passed away last weekend at the age of 27. While many people were genuinelyy shocked, there were many others that horrificly "predicted that this would happen anyway" or "it should have been gaga."

As what always happens when an artist passes away, Facebook and Twitter users went to express their sadness and post some of their favorite Winehouse tunes/interview quotes. Almost a week after her passing: her "final interview" has now hit the net.

Neil McCormick of THE TELEGRAPH interviewed Amy back in March while she was recording a duet with Tony Bennett for his album "TONY BENNETT: DUETS 2", set for release in September. She reveals many things about herself and how Tony influenced her. Check out a bit on what she had to say by clicking here. Given everything that she had to go through with herself (and having the exposure of the fame didn't make it easier), Amy was still a person and any loss of life is tragic.

(posted 7/27/2011 @ 5:45pm Eastern)