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Thursday, July 28, 2011

God Shows Up On New Poll With Interesting Percentages

photo courtesy of this blogger's frist ever trip to Fire Island/Cherry Grove July 13th, 2011
There seems to be a survey for everything: which products work the best, if you believe that one is guilty or not, and then there is the always around Approve/Disapprove poll ... and even GOD is not safe.

According to a new poll  by Public Policy Polling (which seems to have been named by a Peter Piper Picked a Pepper fan), GOD himself/herself (im not one to judge if you believe that God is a Man Or Woman since some think the latter) only comes in at a 52% Approval Rating ... and that is with the official question starting off as "If God Exists....". It's also pretty unique to see peoples' approval of his/her handling of ANIMALS, NATURAL DISASTERS and "ITS HANDLING OF CREATING THE UNIVERSE"
The Poll overal shows that America's perception of Congress has actually increased, but is still considered poor.

Two other people have been mentioned in the poll & it's quite interesting:
  • Rupert Murdoch has a 49% Unfavorable, this considering the phone hacking scandal
  • John Boehner is actually LESS popular than god, only coming in at a 39% Approval rating

You Can check out all 18 pages of the results of the poll by clicking here. Do you approve or disapprove of some of the findings? What do you find interesting?

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